It received a high evaluation Abe Middle East tour, appeal ...

Israeli security forces and Palestinians et al collision ... It received a high evaluation Abe Middle East tour, appeal the [moderate] Reports from local Egypt to the Middle East countries tour of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Contrary to the hostage incident, something local is the reason and the background to appreciate the prime minister visited. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of the Middle East tour (0 date? Day 0), on the occasion in the past year round eyes of the Middle East visit, was greeted with considerable interest from both the public and private sectors in Egypt. Although the Japanese people of the ransom incident by ISIL has occurred in the month 0 days, the Arab side of the experts for the tour, evaluation by experts and diplomats, a is not only the 00-point scale success, be surprised that it is a level above the perfect score It came out to evaluation should be. Month after the Prime Minister has passed the Egypt, with diplomats club of central Cairo, sponsored by the word heave Arumini yer Wee former Ambassador of Egypt ambassador, luncheon welcomed the Kagawa TsuyoshiHiroshichu Egypt Japanese ambassador was held .