[Safety] to the frame of mind? Middle East business tips 0th times? ...

Israeli security forces and Palestinians et al collision ... Preparedness for the [safety] Middle East business tips Consultation: The food manufacturer. We believe that attempts to next year captured the opportunity to participate in international exhibition Gulfood held in Dubai of the month, market inspection visit to Turkey and the companies that have come to send inquiries of Egypt. In recent years, it has been also reported dangerous incidents in the two countries, during the visit, We advice the mental attitude Notes on the degree of safety. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs cage by opening the Overseas Safety website], (risk such as political security geopolitics epidemic) safety information from around the world have are always updated me. In the safety information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, degree of safety / risk of each country has been divided into the next stage (with a gradient of yellow to red). [Level: Please be careful] [Level: Please stop the travel of nonessential] [Level: Please travel stops. (Travel discontinued recommendation)] [Level: Please retreated.